EFGS 2024 Conference programme with abstracts

Day 1, 10th December
9:00 – 10:00Registration and welcome coffee
10:00 – 10:30Conference open and welcome addresses
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Apolonija Oblak Flander, Director-General

Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning
Jože Novak, Minister

Eurostat, Directorate E: Sectoral and Regional Statistics
Arturo de la Fuente Nuño, Acting-Director

European Forum for Geography and Statistics
Ingrid Kaminger, President
10:30 - 11:00Coffee break and group photo

11:00 – 12:10Session 1: Why is good institutional collaboration important?
Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany
Paul Becker, President
Statistics Finland,
Mikko Lindholm, Deputy Director General
Directorate General for Communication Networks – Data directorate, Content and Technology of the European Commission, Yvo Volmann, Director
12:20 – 13:30Session 2: Addressing societal, economic and environmental challenges
University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty,
Lučka Kajfež Bogataj
US Census Bureau
Joshua Comenetz, Cross-Broder International Data Integration
Universitiy of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Primož Banovec, The role of spatial data and statistics in the water related risk management and climate change adaptation process Abstract
13:30 – 14:20Lunch break
14:20 – 15:40Session 3: Panel Discussion
Arturo de la Fuente Nuño, Eurostat, Directorate E: Sectoral and Regional Statistics
Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

Ingrid Kaminger, EFGS
Apolonija Oblak Flander, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Tomaž Petek, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia
15:40 – 16:00Coffee break
16:00 – 17:10Session 4: Future opportunities and challenges

Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, Matej Sotlar, Green Slovenian Location Framework for connected NSDI Abstract
Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia,
Darko Vučetić, From data to impact: Strategic geospatial integration for sustainable development
GeMMA Lab, Faculty of Electrical and Computer Science, University of Maribor, Domen Mongus, (Geo)Spatial intelligence – the use of spatial and temporal statistics in real world applications
18:00 –Gala dinner and Lars Backer award
Day 2, 11th December
8:30 – 9:00Welcome coffee
Session 5a: Navigating the Path to Global Statistical Geospatial Framework Integration: Case Studies and Success Stories
Mapping the road towards national implementation of the GSGF – Case GSGF Finland
Panu Muhli, National Survey of Finland, Rina Tammisto, Statistics Finland Abstract
Data integration at the regular grid level
Stefano Mugnoli, Italian National Institute of Statistics Abstract
The creation of a point-spatial layer for the geocoding of street-based databases
Andrew Formosa, National Statistics Office of Malta Abstract
A path to enhancing the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework (GSGF) implementation in the UK
Jen Hampton, Office for National Statistics Abstract
Complexities of data collection and analysis in a cross-border context
Viktória Jánosi, Central European Service for Cross-border Initiatives Abstract
Mapping building coordinates to building polygons using a Random Forest classifier
Mathias Kästenbauer, Statistics Austria Abstract
Session 5b: Tools, Methodologies, and Frameworks for Global Statistical Geospatial Framework Implementation in Europe
Census Hub 2022 Ireland (Speed Talk)
Justin McGurk, Central Statistical Office, Ireland Abstract
Gridded statistics at Eurostat – GISCO
Julien Gaffuri, Christophe Bredel, Michael Harrop, Jorge Calvo, Eurostat, Luxembourg Abstract
From ideation to implementation: Some tools and guidance to support the integration of geospatial and statistical information
Sara Stewart, UNECE, United Kingdom Abstract
No longer separate: Using combined geospatial and statistical data for smarter decision-making in Lithuania
Kostas Gružas, State Data Agency, Lithuania Abstract
Cleaning up the mess – Consolidation of a multi-temporal data management environment for geocoding and aggregation of unit-record data
Jerker Moström, Statistics Sweden Abstract
Implementing GSGF (Europe) in Statistics Portugal
Rossano Figueiredo, Ana Santos, Magda Ribero, Francisco Sardinha, Statistics Portugal Abstract
The address component of the Statistical Base Register of Territorial Entities Davide Fardelli, Italian National Institute of Statistics Abstract
10:30 – 11:00Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30Session 6: Advanced technologies and methods in data integration
Anonymization for integrated and georeferenced Data (AnigeD)
Maurice Brandt, Markus Zwick, Federal Statistical Office of Germany (Destatis) Abstract
Demographic patterns in the city of Zagreb: Application of advanced spatial statistical methods Dino Bečić, Alen Pažur, Institute for Physical Planning of the City of Zagreb Abstract
Replicable spatial data analysis with workflow technology
Gladys Kenyon, University of Liverpool Abstract
Statistical Mapping with Python
Mirosław Migacz, Statistics Poland Abstract
AI and Geospatial analytics: The digital infrastructure of the future
Linda Peters, ESRI Abstract
AI-based Geo-Urban indexing: An innovative tool for monitoring and developing urban environments at the intersection of geo-urban studies and data science
Myroslav Shliakhta, Geography Department, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Abstract
12:30 – 13:20Lunch break
13:20 – 14:50Session 7a: Inspirational Stories of Data Integration
Identification of potential agricultural areas using multi-source data and AHP
Mert Kubilay Uludağ, TurkStat Abstract
DRAJV zemljevid: a web GIS application for displaying driving habits and traffic safety on Slovenian roads
Boštjan Kop, Zavarovalnica Triglav Abstract
Integrating local scale livestock statistics with land cover data to improve the sustainability of European grassland management
Žiga Malek, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Zoriana Romanchuk, Orysia Yashshun, Linda See, International Institute of Applied System Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria Abstract
Facilitating spatial sustainability transformations: The case IOER research data centre for informed decision-making in Germany
Tobias Krüger, Sujit Sikder, Maria Nieswand, Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development, (IOER), Dresden, Germany Abstract
OME2 – a case study in successful geospatiall data integration
Giuseppe Novella, EuroGeographics Abstract
Digital interoperability registers of the national agency for cadaster and land registration in the implementation of the INSPIRE Directive
Ileana Spiroiu, National Center of Cartography, Romania Abstract
Session 7b: Data Integration in Action: Lessons from the Field
Survey field force allocation and management using GIS
Justin McGurk, Central Statistical Office, Ireland Abstract
Transformation population census in Kosovo: The synergy of GIS and CAPI for enhanced data collection
Burim Limolli, Idriz Shala, Kosovo Agency of Statistics Abstract
Driving digital transformation through geospatial data
Marine Sahakyan, Cadastre Committee, Armenia Abstract
Transition to a new cloud-based data platform for statistics production (Dapla)
Svein Reid, Jørn K. Undelstvedt, Statistics Norway Abstract
UN-GGIM: Europe – Challenges for an effective Sustainable Development Goals monitoring and for efficient Data Integration process
Célia Ferreira, Gwendolin Seidner, UN-GGIM: Europe, Line of Work SDG & Line of Work Data Integration Abstract
Establishment of a process for the processing of geospatial layers of the road network
Blaž Kovačič, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia Abstract
14:50 – 15:10Coffee break
Session 8a: Cross-Border and Regional Data for Demographic Insights
HIPGDAC-ES: Historical population grid data compilation for Spain (1900 – 2021), (Speed Talk)
Francisco Goerlich, University of Valencia Abstract
Back-casting Population Grids to Assess Long-term Urbanisation and Depopulation Trends in Europe
Filipe Batista e Silva, Cristian Pigaiani, Sérgio Freire, Lewis Dijkstra, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Abstract
Data sharing and integration for timely decision-making
Jen Hampton, Office for National Statistics Abstract
Eurostat Census 2021 grid cartography
Julien Gaffuri, Joe Davies, Eurostat, Luxembourg Abstract
Challenges and Innovations in Creating a 100-metre, 2021 Population Grid for Europe
Cristian Pigaiani, Sérgio Freire, Filipe Batista e Silva, Lewis Dijkstra, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy Abstract
Accessibility to kindergartens – Does it follow population changes?
Agnieszka Gajda, Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IRMIR), Poland Abstract
Session 8b: Visualisation and Dissemination
Statistical data in a kilometer grid in areas affected by flood in Poland
Amelia Wardzińska-Sharif, Statistics Poland Abstract
Map on Facilities and Services of General Interest – Webgis and geospatial data integration
Maria Aurindo; Carla Cardoso; João Garra; Miguel Bastos; Paula Cruz; Rossano Figueiredo; Sara Soares, Statistics Portugal Abstract
Nine Cohesion Reports (1996-2024): a short history of data visualisation and geospatial data analysis
Hugo Poelman, independent expert, former senior assistant in the analysis unit of European Commission’s DG Regional and Urban Policy, Belgium Abstract
Mapping sustainability at regional and local level at Eurostat: visualization and data dissemination
Máté Farkas, Eurostat, Luxembourg Abstract
How does the Czech Statistical Geoportal help analyze demographic changes and population mobility?
Štěpán Moravec, Petr Klíma, Czech Statistical Office Abstract
17:30 –Trip to Ljubljana
Day 3, 12th December
8:30 – 9:00Welcome coffee
Session 9: Harnessing Earth Observation Data for Official Statistics
Satellites turn “concrete”: tracking cement with satellite data and neural networks
Baptiste Meunier, European Central Bank, Germany Abstract
Assessment of permanent grassland age and grassland mowing counts using time series from Landsat and Sentinel imagery
Tatjana Veljanovski, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Matic Lubej, Sinergise Solutions LTD, Ana Potočnik Buhvald, Matej Račič, Krištof Oštir, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana Abstract
The European Space Agency’s support to the uptake of satellite Earth Observation for official statistics
Phillip Harwood, Evenflow, Belgium, Monica Miguel-Lago, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, Belgium, Marc Paganini, European Space Agency Abstract
Leveraging Geospatial Data for Statistical Time Series: The Case of Road Length Statistics
Michael Bühler, Federal Statistical Office, Switzerland Abstract
Enhancing national statistical offices’ capacity with Earth observation data for sustainability monitoring
Monica Miguel-Lago, European Association of Remote Sensing Companies, Belgium, Phillip Harwood, Evenflow, Belgium Abstract
Experimental statistics: Use of satellite data for measure area and condition of green areas in Poland
Marek Pieniążek, Statistics Poland Abstract
10:30 – 10:50Coffee break
Session 10: Mapping Sustainability and SDG Indicators
Using of I-Distance for Ranking Regions and Municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Level of Socio-Economic Development
Edin Šabanović, Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Abstract
Green and open spaces for all in European cities?
Hugo Poelman, independent expert, former senior assistant in the analysis unit of European Commission’s DG Regional and Urban Policy, Belgium Abstract
Mapping forest condition in Europe
Joachim Maes, European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, Brussels Abstract
Monitoring shoreline land exploitation
Esbjörn Pettersson, Statistics Sweden Abstract
Seamlessly estimating socio-economic variables across river catchments
Ida Maria Bonnevie, Henning Sten Hansen, Aalborg University Copenhagen Abstract
Measuring quality of life in the Alpine area – mission impossible?
Naja Marot, Tadej Bevk, Maja Debevec, David Klepej, Pina Klara Petrović Jesenovec, University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Abstract
12:20 – 12:35Conference Close
EFGS 2025 conference host
Closing remarks
12:35 – 13:20Lunch break
13:20 – 14:00EFGS General Assembly


The programme of EFGS 2024 Conference is also here in PDF format.