
Below follow links to topics connected with spatial statistical data centres:

European data centres under responsibility of EEA

  • European air pollution data centre
    The air pollution data centre provides access to data and information related to the amount of air pollutants emitted into the atmosphere from different anthropogenic (human-made) sources as well as measured ambient air pollution at monitoring stations across Europe. The air pollution data centre also provides access to related products for air pollution indicators and assessments. Priority is given to policy-relevant data and information for European and national institutions, professionals, researchers and the public.
  • European biodiversity data centre
    The biodiverstity data centre provides the coordinated entry point for data on species, habitat types and sites of European interest. The data and information maintained here are used in biodiversity indicators and assessments. Priority is given to policy-relevant data and information for European and national institutions, professionals, researchers and the public.
  • European climate change data centre
    The climate change data centre provides access to data and information on greenhouse gas emissions, climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in Europe. Priority is given to policy-relevant data and information for European and national policy makers, influencers (such as NGOs, business, media and scientists) and the general public.
  • Environmental data centre for land use
    The environmental data centre for land use provides data to understand the relationship between land use and environmental impacts. Information is provided at different scales combining European coverage with global and in situ survey data. The core of data centre activities is related to dissemination of operational services in connection with key land cover/land use datasets, relevant indicators and derived products based on spatial analysis and change detection.
  • European water data centre
    The water data centre provides the European entry point for water related data as part of the Water Information System for Europe (WISE). It contains the input (reporting mechanisms) and output (visualisation of results) for compliance information under several water directives (WFD, Bathing water, UWWT directive, etc) as well as voluntary information as reported e.g. under the EEA regulation through the Eionet. The information compiled and maintained here is used in indicators, assessments and policy developments that are further accessible through the thematic links in WISE.

Data centres under responsibility of EUROSTAT

  • European data centre for waste
    The central entry point for reporting of data under Community legislation on waste and providing information on waste and the associated environmental impacts.
  • Environmental Data Centre on Natural Resources and Products
    The Environmental Data Centre on Natural Resources and on Products is your gateway to information related to the environmental thematic areas of sustainable use of natural resources and products. This web-based system provides information for the following types: Metadata (contextual information), Data, Indicators, and Assessments.

Data centres under responsibility of Joint Research Centre (JRC)

  • European soil data centre (ESDAC)
    The European Soil Data Centre acts as the primary data contact point for the European Commission’s DG ENV in order to fulfill its soil information needs.
  • European forest data centre (EFDAC)
    The European Forest Data Center (EFDAC) is a focal point for policy relevant forest data and information by hosting and pointing to relevant forest products and by providing web-based tools for accessing and updating information located in EFDAC.

Open Data

  • The Open Data Census
    The Open Data Census is an initiative of the Open Knowledge Foundation based on contributions from open data advocates and experts around the world. If you want to add, change or improve an entry please see the instructions. The results of the Census are used to create the Open Data Index, last published on October 28th 2013.