The national Base Register for Addresses and Buildings in the Netherlands
Principle 1, Principle 2, Principle 4, address register, geocoding infrastructure, point-based foundation, persistent identifiers, open access data, linked data
This use case demonstrates good practice from Netherlands on how to set up and disseminate a national register on addresses and buildings, following open data standards.
The case refers to a large number of recommendations provided within different principles of the GSGF. Most significantly, it refers to recommendations within Principle 1, to use point-based geospatial reference data from NSDIs for geocoding, to set up national, standards-based address registers and to implement unique identifiers and lifecycle information. Furthermore, it is a good example on how to ensure consistent and automated synchronisation between data repositories (Principle 2). Finally, it demonstrates how to enable data integration through consistent semantics and concepts across domains and to explore the potential of Linked Open Data for increased interoperability (Principle 4).
The whole use case is here