Legal basis for geospatial data access for Statistics Austria

by | Jan 20, 2022


Principle 1, data access, Census Act


The legal basis for access to the geocoded Buildings and Dwellings Register, which is used for geo-enabling other administrative data sources used for statistics, is regulated both in the Census Act and the Buildings and Dwellings Register Act.

The Census Act regulates the access to administrative data sources for statistical purposes and hence the Buildings and Dwellings Register can be used for statistical purposes as it is an administrative data source. The contents and structure of the data in the Buildings and Dwellings Register and its access of use are regulated in the Buildings and Dwellings Register Act.

Besides the unique Id’s and structural data on buildings and dwellings this includes a pair of geocodes as spatial reference for the address and building respectively, and can therefore be considered to be the backbone of geocoded registers and geospatial data at Statistics Austria.

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