Geostatistics Portal in Poland

The Geostatistics Portal is a tool for interactive cartographic presentation and the publication of data acquired in censuses. It serves the following functions:

  • storing,
  • presenting,
  • sharing information for a broad group of recipients

The Portal functions on two levels: for internal (official statistics) and external users, and the scope of presented data is defined through the appropriate roles and authorisations. Internal users have access to both unit and aggregated data, whereas external users only to aggregated data, published taking into account statistical confidentiality.


The interface of the Geostatistics Portal allows its users quick and easy access to resulting statistical information. Data are presented using such cartographical presentation methods as cartograms (choropleth map) and various cartodiagrams. It is also possible to set one’s own parameters for the visualisation of a thematic area for a given cartogram. These include measure, aggregation level (territorial division unit), the number of intervals, etc. Aside from the possibility of using ready-made spatial analyses in the Geostatistics Portal internal users can draw up custom thematic maps based on a selected feature of the data model, using dynamic spatial analyses, i.e. linear or distance analyses, or object buffering.

Contact: Amelia WARDZINSKA-SHARIF at Statistics Poland