A point-based foundation for statistics

The aim of the GEOSTAT 2 (2015-2017)  has been to foster a better integration of statistics and geospatial information in order for the statistical community to provide more qualified descriptions and analyses of society, economy and environment. The GEOSTAT 2 was a two year ESSnet grant project building on the results from its predecessors GEOSTAT 1A and 1B.

The objectives of the project were:

  • To propose a generic model for national (point based) geospatial reference frameworks for statistics, building on national address, buildings and/or dwelling registers. This reference framework should be suitable for statistics in the widest possible sense.
  • To promote and consolidate the existing body of knowledge on spatial statistics in the ESS. This encompasses structuring and formatting and transferring existing information into an information base on spatial statistics
  • Support the EFGS in its networking, information sharing and capacity building efforts
  • Disseminate and share the results from the GEOSTAT projects among national statistical institutes
  • Promote the application of spatial statistics and the integration of geospatial information into the statistical production chain, within the framework of the Generic Statistical Business Process Modell
  • Better involve national mapping and cadastral agencies, or other geospatial stakeholders in charge of geocoded registers, into the network of the EFGS
  • Actively feed into the work on the integration of statistics and geospatial information in the framework of UN-GGIM.

The expected outcome of the project is an improved foundation for a more flexible and sustainable production of geospatial statistics in the ESS along with a more consolidated body of knowledge in the field of geospatial statistics.

The project was launched in February 2015 and ended in February 2017. The project was coodinated by Sweden and had particpants from Austria, Finland, France, Norway, Poland, Portugal.

The final project results, results from the GEOSTAT 2 survey conducted in 2015 and minutes from project meetings can be found below.

Project contact point:

Jerker Moström, Statistics Sweden

Marie Haldorson, Statistics Sweden


Project deliverables:

Final results

Results from the 2015 GEOSTAT 2 survey on geocoding practices in European NSIs

Documents from the GEOSTAT 2 meetings

Presentations made by the GEOSTAT 2 project