The general objective of the Geospatial statistics: GEOSTAT 4 project is to foster the integration of statistics and geospatial information in a European context. The project will continue the work done in the earlier GEOSTAT projects. In practise, the project will complete the GSGF Europe and support its implementation in the organisations in the field. The project develops ESS methodological guidance and suggest needed additions to the ESS quality framework. Furthermore, the project will create other guidance e.g. best practise cases and training material targeted to enable the users to fully utilize the GSGF Europe framework. The project will maintain and develop the EFGS website.

Work of the GEOSTAT 4 project is divided into seven work packages:

  • WP-1 A Completed GSGF Europe
  • WP-2 Supporting the Implementation of the GSGF Europe
  • WP-3 Quality of geospatial information management for statistics
  • WP-4 EFGS website
  • WP-5 EFGS Conferences
  • WP-6 Exploitation, distribution and dissemination
  • WP-7 Project management and coordination

The project will be carried out by nine National Statistical Institutes. Statistics Finland is the project leader. The project will subcontract four parties, two of which are NMCAs. The project will also work closely with other related communities (UN-GGIM: Europe, UNECE, UN-EG ISGI).

The outputs of the Geostat 4 activities are:

  • The GSGF Europe document ESS Methodological documentation (draft)
  • Concrete use cases
  • Suggestions of geospatial elements to the ESS quality assurance framework
  • Statistical geospatial quality indicators and measures
  • Training and communication materials
  • EFGS Website maintenance and development
  • EFGS Conferences 2020 and 2021

The results of the project will support the integration of geospatial and statistical information in the Member States.

The concrete use cases support coherent implementation. The geospatial additions to the ESS quality assurance framework will help to ensure good quality of geospatial statistics. The geospatial statistical community will be supported through guidance and learning material as well as by gathering the statistical geospatial network together at 2020 and 2021 EFGS conferences.


Kick-off meeting Helsinki 2020

The photo shows all particcipants of kick off meeting of Geostat 4 project.


Project contact point:

Rina Tammisto, Statistics Finland


Project deliverables:

Final results

Deliverables will be gathered and published in web-enebling format as the GSGF Europe: GEOSTAT Information Service webpage. Deliverables available to download in pdf are gathered in the Library.