GSGF in Cartography & Statistics Andalusia (IECA)

Joaquín Valverde Martínez, Iria Enrique Regueira, Cartography & Statistics Andalusia – IECA

Leveraging statistics & cartography sinergies have been a main goal in official statistics & cartography production since the Institute of Statistics and Cartography of Andalusia was created in 2011 as the merge of previous entities. Since then statistical and cartographical production is being re-designed to integrate sources, processes and products. The GSGF represents a reference framework for consistent production and integration approaches for geo-statistical information. In this presentation we evaluate how it is implemented in our organization and latest improvements. From the use of fundamental geospatial infrastructure to accessibility and usability of data we will present solutions implemented for GSGF principles within our institution.
Namely the strategies for geocoding statistical units using point referencing, allowing for adaptability to changes in geographic regions over time or to adapt to new geographies required. Established data management tools, techniques and standards that ensure statistical data is geospatially enabled. Common set of geographies used for the display and reporting of social, economic and environmental information. Fullfillment of INSPIRE metadata guidelines in order to enhance the access and use of geospatially enabled data. Data released with confidence, privacy and confidentiality protection through web services enabling machine-to-machine access, allowing users to undertake analysis and visualisation.
This strategy and the cooperation between agencies and ministries have renforced the use of geospatially enabled statistical data for policy making. In Andalusia regional government there several examples, recently Andalusian Health Ministry have taken 250×250 population grid cells as sample units for wastewater sampling in Covid 19 monitoring studies.