Gyoungju Lee (Korea National Institute of Transportation)
Nationwide efforts have been made to encourage data to be utilized for establishing evidence-based planning in South Korea. Encountering the era of depopulation, we need to set up policy guidelines towards promoting dense and mixed land uses and provide national level means to monitor temporal changes in land use patterns. We developed the indicators of land use density and mix matching up to these needs in the national territorial survey project carried out based upon the Framework Act on the National Land. We have grid system dividing the whole nation into 500m squares. We geocoded all building addresses nationwide and attached the attributes of use, completion time and total floor area to the locations. For all the grids, we calculated the levels of land use density and mix by aggregating the geocoded information into a grid. In this paper, we introduce the indicators of land use density and mix developed in the project and discuss the applications to planning processes and the limitations. In the project, other indicators have been also developed such as those measuring the level of under-population, accessibility to neighborhood facilities, etc. The project has been jointly carried out by KRIHS (Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements) and KNUT (Korea National University of Transportation) commissioned by NGII (National Geographic Information Institute), one of affiliated-organizations with MLIT (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation).