Valérie Darriau (INSEE in partnership with IGN France)
Since 2017, Insee has engaged a large project for developing production and dissemination of gridded data, made out of different statistical sources. The work has mainly consisted in listening to users, benchmarking with other NSI (Dutch, Norvegian and Slovenian NSI websites), and, from the methodological point of view, in dealing with confidentiality. Until last June 2019, gridded data dissemination was mainly made by offering files to download. These files have to be imported in GIS software (Mapinfo) and so required high skills in statistical and geographical computing. Insee aims at simplifying and easing access to grid information for everyone. In that way, the action is consistent with the ESS vision 2020 answer to the « growing need to develop statistics with increasing geographical detail to support national and regional policy making ». In this perspective, a collaboration has been initiated with the French national mapping agency IGN in order to use the infrastructure, services and viewing capabilities of the French national geoportal in order to offer fine-grained spatial viewing and access. Last June, 26 indicators from the new administrative data source on income poverty, Filosofi, have been released at a very low level (200 m grid cell). They have been posted on INSEE’s website. At the same time, the French national geoportal published interactive maps. For the EFGS 2019, Insee and IGN propose to present these works, the issues at stake, the way the confidentiality has been dealt and how the geovisualisation improves knowledge on territorial disparities.