Programme and presentations for the European Forum for Geography and Statistics 2011
The EFGS 2011 Conference was hosted by Statistics Portugal
on the 12th-14th October 2011. The programme Committee is the EFGS Steering Committee.L’interazione tra il calcio italiano e gli sponsorizzazioni di casinò
Negli ultimi anni, l’interazione tra il calcio italiano e le sponsorizzazioni di casinò è diventata sempre più evidente. Con l’aumento delle sponsorizzazioni da parte delle case da gioco online, molti club di calcio italiani hanno stretto accordi per promuovere marchi di casinò durante le partite e in altri contesti legati al calcio. Questa tendenza ha sollevato diverse domande e ha suscitato dibattiti sulla relazione tra il calcio e l’industria del gioco d’azzardo.
L’influenza delle sponsorizzazioni di casinò nel calcio italiano è un argomento di grande interesse, poiché coinvolge sia gli aspetti finanziari che quelli etici dello sport. Molti club di calcio dipendono dalle sponsorizzazioni per finanziare le loro attività e, di conseguenza, accettano accordi con i casinò online per ottenere sostegno finanziario. Tuttavia, questa pratica ha sollevato preoccupazioni riguardo all’impatto che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò possono avere sulla reputazione dello sport e sulla salute dei tifosi.
Un esempio di sponsorizzazione di casinò nel calcio italiano è l’accordo tra la squadra di calcio AC Milan e il casinò online Questo accordo ha portato al marchio del casinò che appare sulla maglia della squadra durante le partite e in altri materiali promozionali. Mentre questa sponsorizzazione ha fornito un’importante fonte di reddito per il club, ha anche sollevato quesiti sulla promozione del gioco d’azzardo tra i tifosi, in particolare tra i più giovani.
È importante notare che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò nel calcio italiano sono soggette a regolamenti e restrizioni. Ad esempio, la pubblicità di gioco d’azzardo è vietata durante le trasmissioni televisive di eventi sportivi che coinvolgono minori di 18 anni. Inoltre, i club di calcio devono rispettare le linee guida etiche stabilite dalle autorità calcistiche e assicurarsi che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò non vadano in contrasto con i valori dello sport.
Tuttavia, nonostante queste restrizioni, molti ritengono che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò nel calcio italiano abbiano un impatto negativo sulla società. Alcuni sostengono che la promozione del gioco d’azzardo attraverso il calcio possa influenzare negativamente i giovani tifosi, incoraggiandoli a scommettere e a sviluppare comportamenti di gioco d’azzardo problematici. Inoltre, l’associazione tra il calcio e i casinò può portare alla normalizzazione del gioco d’azzardo e alla sua percezione come un’attività socialmente accettabile.
D’altra parte, ci sono anche coloro che sostengono che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò nel calcio italiano siano una fonte legittima di reddito per i club e che, se gestite in modo responsabile, possano contribuire allo sviluppo dello sport. Essi argomentano che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò sono simili ad altri accordi commerciali nel calcio, come quelli con le società di abbigliamento sportivo o le compagnie di bevande energetiche. Inoltre, sostengono che le restrizioni e i regolamenti attuali siano sufficienti per garantire che le sponsorizzazioni di casinò non vadano oltre i limiti etici.
In conclusione, l’interazione tra il calcio italiano e le sponsorizzazioni di casinò è un tema complesso che coinvolge aspetti finanziari, etici e sociali. Mentre le sponsorizzazioni di casinò forniscono un’importante fonte di reddito per i club di calcio, è fondamentale considerare gli effetti che queste sponsorizzazioni possono avere sulla società, in particolare sulla gioventù e sulla percezione del gioco d’azzardo come attività normale. È necessario un equilibrio tra gli interessi finanziari dei club e la responsabilità di promuovere uno sport sano e etico.
Day 1: Wednesday 12th October 2011
Day 1: Wednesday October 12, 2011
Pre Conference Working Session / EFGS Project Meeting
Chair: Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway
09:00 – 09:10
EFGS and the GEOSTAT Project
Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway
09:10 – 09:30
Guidelines for production and steps towards harmonization
Mrs. Marja Tamiletho-Luode, Statistics Finland, Finland
09:30 – 09:50
Confidentiality and policies
Mrs. Ingrid Kaminger, Statistics Austria, Austria
09:50 – 10:10
Infrastructure and technologies
Mr Niek van Leuwen, Statistics Netherland, Netherlands
10:10 – 10:30
How to build a sustainable organization
Mr. Lars Henrik Backer, EFGS Executive Director, Sweden
10:30 – 11:00 Tea & Coffee break
The conference will introduce the importance of geo-statistics in the decision making process in
local, regional, European and Global level. The conference will be an important place to share
common practices between the different participants to produce grid statistics and how to use
them for the spatial analysis of society.
Focus will be given on the geographical dimension of the EU 2010-11 Census and how to represent
census data in a European population grid. The latest developments and the results of the ESSnet
project “GEOSTAT – representing census data in a European population grid” will be discussed.
11:00 – 12:00 Registration
Opening of the EFGS 2011 Lisbon Conference
Chair: Mrs. Alda de Caetano Carvalho, Statistics Portugal President, Portugal
12:00 – 12:10
Welcome speech from the President of Statistics Portugal
Mrs. Alda de Caetano Carvalho, Statistics Portugal President, Portugal
12:10 – 12:20
The Future of the GEOSTAT project. General Overview of the GEOSTAT 1B project call
Mr. Daniele Rizzi and Mr. Ekkehard Petri, EUROSTAT, Luxemburg
12:20 – 12:30
The Past and the Present of the EFGS
Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch for all participants
Keynote Session
Topic 1: On Spatial statistics and Grids
Chair: Prof.ª Lucília Carvalho, University of Lisbon – Faculty of Sciences, Portugal
13:30 – 13:40 Introduction, by Chair
13:40 – 14:00
Keynote speech: A comparison of vector and raster population time series: population
change in Latin America and the Caribbean, 1990-2010
Mrs. Susana Adamo, Columbia University – Center for International Earth Science
Information Network (CIESIN), United States of America
14:00 – 14:20
Keynote speech: Information for survival – the role of statistics
Mr. Lars H. Backer, EFGS Executive Director, Sweden
14:20 – 14:40 Tea & Coffee break
14:40 – 15:00
Keynote speech: Spatial data for integrated assessment of urban areas
Mr. Andrus Meiner, European Environment Agency, Denmark
15:00 – 15:20
Keynote speech: Gridded models in the UK: beyond the 2011 census
Prof. David Martin, University of Southampton – School of Geography, United Kingdom
15:20 – 15:40
Discussion and summing up
Prof.ª Lucília Carvalho, University of Lisbon – Faculty of Sciences, Portugal and Prof. Francisco
Goerlich Gisbert, University of Valencia – Department of Economic Analysis, Spain
15:40 – 16:00 Tea & Coffee break
Topic 2: On the geographical dimension of the EU 2010-11 Census
Chair: Dr. António Arnaud, New University of Lisbon – UNINOVA, Institute for the Development of
New Technologies – Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT-UNL), Portugal
16:00 – 16:10 Introduction, by Chair
16:10 – 16:30
2011 Census in Portugal – A major improvement on census cartography
Mr. Fernando Casimiro, Statistics Portugal, Portugal
16:30 – 16:50
Creating 2001 to 2011 population grids using Census Geography
Mr. Bart-Jan Schoenmakers, Statistics Portugal, Portugal
16:50 – 17:10
Discussion and summing up, by Chair
Day 2: Thursday October 12, 2011
Work Session 1 Production and Challenges
Chair: Mrs. Marja Tammilehto-Luode, Statistics Finland, Finland
This session welcomes presentations about production of grid based statistics from different data
sources with experiences and challenges in data capture, transformations, data validity, quality
assessments and disclosure control. The different methods, which are used in compilation of data
on grid square cells, are in the focus as well. This session may also include issues of data integration
and harmonization with a help of case studies. The latest Census round results and their importance
for the production of grid based statistics are hopefully recognized in this session.
Topic 1: The European dataset: the integration of national datasets
Chair: Mrs. Marja Tammilehto-Luode, Statistics Finland, Finland
09:00 – 09:10 Introduction, by Chair
09:10 – 09:30
Conversions from national grid data to harmonized European grid data
Mrs. Marja Tammilehto-Luode and Mrs. Rina Tammisto, Statistics Finland, Finland
09:30 – 09:50
Population Grid for Spain – SIOSE
Prof. Francisco J. Goerlich, University of Valencia and Ivie – Department of Economic Análysis
and Prof. Isidro Cantarino, Polytechnic University of Valencia – Department of Land
Engineering, Spain
09:50 – 10:10
A population grid for the Republic of Ireland: Making use of National databases and local
Mr. Dermot Corcoran, Central Statistics Office of Ireland, Ireland
10:10 – 10:30
The production of grid statistics at Statistics Sweden
Mr. Johnny Sehlin, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
10:30 – 10:50
Lessons learned from disaggregating population data by using different data sources
Mr. Radoslaw Jablonski, Central Statistical Office of Poland, Poland
10:50 -11:20 Tea & Coffee break
11:20 – 11:40
Perspectives of Development Geographic Information Systems in National Statistics Office of
Mr. Zurab Kevanishvili, Statistics Georgia, Georgia
11:40 – 12:00
Production of grid based statistics in Statistics Estonia
Mrs. Kreet Masik, Statistics Estonia, Estonia
Topic 2: The European Dataset: The disaggregation issue
Chair: Dr. Klaus Steinocher, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
12:00.-.12:10 Introduction, by Chair
12:10 – 12:30
Keynote speech: A new population grid for Europe – chances and challenges
Dr. Klaus Steinnocher, AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
12:30 – 12:50
The effect of ancillary data in population dasymetric mapping: A test case using the original
and a modified version of CORINE Land Cover
Mr. Filipe Batista e Silva, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Ispra, Italy
12:50 – 13:50 Lunch for all participants
13:50 – 14:10
Land Cover Geostatistical Classification for Remote Sensing
Mr. Kestutis Ducinskas, Department of Statistics, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
14:10 – 14:30
Disaggregation of socioeconomic data and combination with other spatial data types by
means of the OLAP technology
Mr. Roger Milego Agràs and Ms. Maria José Ramos, Autonomous University of Barcelona
(UAB), Spain
Work Session 2 Infrastructure and Dissemination
Chair: Mr. Niek van Leeuwen, Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands
This session will be about the infrastructure needed to support the production and use of the data
grids, and the one needed for the dissemination/use of the grid data.
There might be presentations about the real infrastructure (websites, servers etc.) and virtual
infrastructures (standards, concepts, methodology etc.); both of these concepts are discussed. The
INSPIRE initiative and its implications to the Spatial Data Infrastructure of NSI, and in this context to
the use and production of GRID data, are also important issues.
Within this session we also welcome presentations about new challenges for the GeoStat project;
issues currently outside the scope of this project are important.
14:30 – 14:40 Introduction, by Chair
14:40 – 15:00
French census data with coordinates: from scratch to data that works in analyses. Was it
worth the effort?
Mr. Jean-Luc Lipatz, INSEE – National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies of France,
15:00 – 15:20
INSPIRE GRIDS new developments for statistical use. A report from the TWG Statistical Units
Dr. UDO Maack, KOSIS Verbund – Common Statistics Informations System, Germany
15:20 – 15:50 Tea & Coffee break
15:50 – 16:10
Grid based geoprocessing webservice
Mr. Pieter Bresters, Statistics Netherlands, Netherlands
16:10 – 16:30
The Italian GIS infrastructure to support geostatistical data dissemination
Mrs. Pina Grazia Ticca, ISTAT – Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy
16:30 – 16:50
Dissemination of Geostatistics via GIS Portal
Mr. Igor Kuzma, Regional Statistics Department, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
and Mr. Tomaz Zagar, Geodetic Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia
16:50 – 17:10
Access to and use of spatial data from the National Survey and Cadastre
Mr. Michael Berg Rasmussen, Statistics Denmark, Denmark
17:10 Discussion and summing up, by Chair
19:00 Social Event
BUS Tour in Lisbon (Old Town / Age of Discoveries) and dinner at a tipical fado restaurant
Day 3: Friday October 14, 2011
Work Session 3 Case Studies
Chair: Mrs. Ingrid Kaminger, Statistics Austria, Austria
This session is intended to embrace the WP1 activities of the Geostat project. Here the focus is on
the usefulness of grid-based statistics and small-area statistics. There will be presentations about the
application of the different grid datasets to analyse human societies and the build and natural
environment, focusing on the scale factor in these datasets (from local to global).
09:00 – 09:10 Introduction, by Chair
09:10 – 09:30
Population distribution grid uses in the context of regional and urban analysis at European
Mr. Hugo Poelman, European Commission DG Regional Policy, Belgium
09:30 – 10:00
Pinpoint Sweden – A platform for accessibility analysis based on grid data
Mr. Erik Fransson and Mr. Anders Dahlgren, Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Analysis,
10:00 – 10:20
Using statistical grids for population estimates in Protected Areas of Brazilian Amazon
Mrs. Maria do Carmo Dias Bueno, Mr. Álvaro de Oliveira D’Antona and Mr. Ricardo de
Sampaio Dagnino, IBGE – Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Brazil
10:20 – 10:40
EFGS as provider of population grid data
Mr. Erik Sommer, Statistics Denmark, Denmark
10:40 – 11:00
Day Time Population of the Canton of Zurich
Mrs. Claudia Hofstetter, Statistics Canton of Zurich, Switzerland
11:00 – 11:20 Tea & Coffee break
11:20 – 11:40
Differentiation of urban and rural settlements in Croatia
Mr. Branko Crkvenčić, Croatian Bureau of Statistics, Croatia
11:40 – 12:00
Norway’s most threatened fields – Potential need for farmland conservation areas due to risk
of development
Mr. Svein Olav Krøgli, Mr. Sebastian Eiter and Mr. Geir-Harald Strand, Norwegian Forest and
Landscape Institute, Norway
12:00 – 12:20
Agricultural holdings identified through the Italian 6° Agriculture General Census:
methodologies adopted for their localization
Ms. Giampaola Bellini, Ms. Maria Grazia Magliocchi and Ms. Maria Antonietta Liguori, ISTAT
– Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy
12:20 – 12:40
Green areas in large localities – Methodology and results
Mr. Johan Stålnacke and Mrs. Karin Hedeklint, Statistics Sweden, Sweden
12:40 – 13:00
HELM – Harmonised European Land Monitoring – and options for collaboration with EFGS
Dr. Herbert Haubold, Environment Agency of Austria, Austria
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch for all participants
Round Table Discussion “Quo Vadiamus?
Chair: Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway
14:00 – 14:15
Summing up the EFGS 2011 Lisbon conference – Some bullets for discussion
Mr. Lars H. Backer, EFGS Executive Director, Sweden
14:15 – 14:40
Discussion Panel
Keynotes and Session Chairmen
14:40 – 15:00
Summing up and Closing conference
Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway and Mrs. Ana
Santos, Statistics Portugal, Portugal
15:00 – 15:30 Tea & Coffee break
15:30 – 15:40
Eurostat perspectives on the Geostat project 1A and 1B
Mr. Ekkehard Petri, EUROSTAT, Luxembourg
15:40 – 16:20 Discussion, by all Geostat 1A and 1B partners
Topics for discussion:
Preparations for kick-off meeting for Geostat 1B
Guidelines for production and steps towards harmonization
Confidentiality and policies
Infrastructure and technologies
How to build a sustainable organization
How to include voluntary partners and contributions
16:20 – 16:30
Summing up and closing down
Mr. Vilni Verner Holst Bloch, EFGS President, Statistics Norway, Norway