EFGS 2008 Conference Bled, Slovenia

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The next step towards an integration of statistics and geography for sustainable development.

The European Forum for Geostatistics workshop in Bled, Slovenia 1rst – 3rd October 2008

Hosted by: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Meeting:  Second meeting of the European Forum for GeoStatistics

Place:   Best Western Kompas Hotel, Bled, Slovenia.

Chair:   Mr. Lars Backer, interim leader of European Forum for GeoStatistics.

Organiser:   Mr. Igor Kuzma, organizer of European Forum for Geostatistics 2008

Notes:   Statistics Slovenia


If you cannot describe it you cannot manage it.

The European Forum for GeoStatistics is a network of excellence with a purpose. Its mission as expressed through the Geostat project is threefold: To contribute to the development of an European spatial statistical system (ESSS) that is part of an European Integrated Infrastructure of Spatial Data (IISD) that is based on a common spatial data infrastructure (SDI).

  1. An E-SSS (European spatial statistical system)

Statisticians have to the present been primarily occupied with “ex post” monitoring and reporting of the state of man environmental systems. This has to be complemented with qualified “ex ante” information to serve as qualified to respond to problems in the man-environmental system. The next step towards a genuine European spatial statistical system must be to work for the integration of geography and statistics on a shared high resolution, harmonized foundation for the ESS that makes it  useful for both monitoring and reporting and to serve as a foundation for response to threats and opportunities.

  1.        An E-IISD (European Integrated Infrastructure of spatial data)

In order to come to terms with the problems confronting “spaceship earth” in both a long and short perspective we must be able to provide holistic descriptions of  environmental systems that may be built and analysed in terms of both  “kits of parts” and “interacting wholes”. This requires the development of an integrated, harmonized and scalable infrastructure of key spatial data required to build models of vital man- environmental systems. Geostatistics provided provided by the NSI’s through the E-SSS, and the geodata provided by the NMA’s and their Geodata portals provide the foundation for an integrated E-IISD.

  1.        An E-SDI (European spatial data infrastructure)

To provide public authorities on all levels of government from Global to local with integrated, harmonised qualified descriptions of man environmental systems we need a standardized data infrastructure and web services that may make possible to present integrated descriptions consisting of Textual information, Geodata, Geostatistics and reference information on the web.

The workshop in Bled will try to cover the whole field of problems as expressed in the Geostat project. The workshop is thus organised in a series of four sessions, one session for each sub project; User needs, Geostatistics (ISD), Infrastructure (SDI) and the practical implementation of geostatistics in sesponse to user needs.

Lars H. Backer

Stockholm, Monday, 22 September 2008



Day 1: Wednesday 1 October


8.30 – 9.00

Registration to the meeting and to the Workshop

The European Grid Club 2008 Meeting

9.00 – 9.15

Opening of the meeting and selection of a chair and a secretary

09.15 – 11.45

When talking about small area statistics we may stress that there are two points of departure for doing geostatistics. One is to do spatial analysis with a system of irregular tessellations (often small administrative areas or census areas). The other is to use regular tessellations (usually grids).
The European Gridclub has as its objective to develop a grid-based system of small area statistics for Europe. We do, however, look forward to the emergence of a sister (The European Blobclub) doing spatial analysis based on small administrative areas (eg. Census areas).

The objective of the European Gridclub 2008 meeting is to bring the GEOSTAT project one step forward from a joint NSI initiative to gain official recognition as an ESSnet project and increase our chances to get the necessary funding.

§ 1 Introduction: Who are we?


What do we mean by the European GridClub?

The European Forum for GeoStatistics: A reference group for the GeoStat project? The GeoStat project: Part of an international effort to build an IISS?

§ 2 Legitimation: GEOSTAT an ESSnet project?

(For information: Lars Backer)

Propose to submit an application to accept the GeoStat project as an ESSnet project to gain legitimation and funding for our actions. (See the “MBGA Application 05-09-2008.doc” attached)

§ 3 State of the Geostat project 

(For information: The interim leading partners)

Proposal for a new system of work packages:

SubProject (Work package) 1: Management

SubProject (Work package) 2: User needs

SubProject (Work package) 3: Geostatistics

SubProject (Work package) 4 : Infrastructure

SubProject (Work package) 5: Contactpoint

SubProject (Work package) 6: Evaluation, Dissemination & Exploitation

§ 4 A project organisation for 2009

(For information: Lars Backer)

The project to be reorganised into subprojects (work packages) consisting of a collection of tasks. Each task will have its own project description and budget. Here a proposal for a new organisation harmonized according to the ESSnet MBGA document.

Subproject 1: Management Interim Leading partner 2008: Statistics Sweden Taskforce contact: Lars Backer (interim chair)

  1. Subproject 2; User needs. Interim leading partner 2008: Statistics Sweden Taskforce contact: Lars Backer
  2. Subproject 3; Geostatistics. Interim leading partner 2008: Statistics Finland Taskforce contact: Rina Tammisto
  3. Subproject 4; Infrastructure. Interim leading partner 2008: Eurostat Taskforce contact: Ekkehard Petri
  4. Subproject 5; Contactpoint (INSPIRE, GMES,SEIS etc.): Interim leading partner 2008: Statistics Finland Taskforce contact: Marja Tammilehto-Loude
  5. Subproject 6; Evaluation, Dissemination and Exploitation: Interim leading partner 2008: Statistics Slovenia Taskforce contact: Igor Kuzma
§ 5 Obstacles and opportunities; How to proceed?

General Discussion

§ 6 A work program for 2008-2009 and beyond

We have presented a draft for a work program that is included in the preliminary project proposal.(See the attached project description)

We need a work program for each of the subprojects (work packages)

§ 7 Reports from conferences planned and visited:

<!–[if !supportLists]–> o          <!–[endif]–>Report from the INSPIRE Conference. (For information: Lars Backer)

<!–[if !supportLists]–> o          <!–[endif]–>GEOSTAT at the NTTS 06  conference. (For information: Lars Backer)

§ 8 Other business
§ 9 Summing up and closing down

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch



Day 1: Wednesday 1 October

Opening addresses of the Workshop

13.00 – 14.00


The host welcome speech: The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia

Mrs. Irena Krizman, Director General, Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia


The guests Appreciation: The European Forum for Geostatistics

Mr. Lars Backer, interim chair of European Forum for Geostatistics.


The European Forum project in a Global perspective (Keynote address)

Mr. Lars H. Backer


Afternoon session 14.00 – 17.00 (15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break)

Session 1:GeoStatistics (European Population GridMap)  (Subproject 2: Geostatistics) The role of National Statistical Institutes in implementing INSPIRE ideas and building a national and spatial data infrastructure. Practical problems and best practises to produce grids and small area statistics. Proposals for a project plan of the joint project of the NSIs; Geostatistics and maps.

Session organiser: Mrs. Marja Tammilehto-Luode – Statistics Finland (marja.tammilehto-luode@stat.fi) (interim leading partner)


  • Mrs. Ingrid Kaminger
  • Mr. Javier Gallego
  • Mr. Niek van Loewen
  • Mrs. Rina Tammisto
  • Mr. Werner Meyer


30 min incl. conclusions and discussion Introduction to the session topic Time for a new Tandem, reflections of the study about grids and blobs

Marja Tammilehto-Luode (Statistics Finland)

30 min incl. discussion Geostatistics and maps, a tentative plan for a joint project, Marja Tammilehto-Luode (Statistics Finland)
30 min incl. discussion The Bottom-up approach: Challenges in the production of statistical grid data

Population by 1 square km grids – a hybrid map based on population register and estimated data Rina Tammisto (Statistics Finland)

30 min incl. discussion The Top-down approach to map population density. One application to the EU ”  Javier Gallego (EU/JRC)

General discussion on the session topic

Reception 17.00 –

17.00- 20.00 Trip  to the island and the barbecue at the hotel terrace


Day 2: Thursday 2 October

Morning session 9.00 – 12.30 (10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break)


Session 2: Concept for an integrated web solution / An infrastructure for geostatistics. (The Subproject 3)

Session organiser: Mr. Ekkehard Petri – Eurostat (Ekkehard.Petri@ec.europa.eu)


  • Mr. Ekkehard Petri,
  • Mr. Lars H. Backer
  • Mrs. Marianne Vik Dysterud


30 min incl. conclusions and discussion Introduction to the session topic Ekkehart Petri (Eurostat)


30 min incl. discussion An infrastructure for Geostatistics in view of work with Inspire, SDMX and SEIS

Ekkehard Petri (Eurostat)

30 min incl. discussion WMS, portals and Webb Statistical Services

Johan Stålnacke (Statistics Sweden)

30 min incl. discussion Grids and GeoStatistics: Routines for delivering products to the national spatial data interest community

Vilni Verner Holst Bloch Statistics Norway

30 min incl. discussion GeoStatistics from web maps

Johnny Sehlin (Statistics Sweden)


General discussion on the session topic

12.00 – 13.30 Lunch

Afternoon session 13.00 – 17.00 (15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break)


Session 3: Network of excellence: The practical use of georeferenced data (regular and irregular tessellation)

Network of excellence (Subproject 4) represents an interest group of experts working in the field of geostatistics connected primarily via web service and annual meetings in order to create the dynamic flow of information related to geostatistics. The results of their work are to be presented in this session, covering different approaches and solutions in handling georeferenced data and discussions on methodological issues. The presentations focus on the data capture, display and dissemination of the georeferenced data (including web), solutions for data protection, different analyses performed on georeferenced data.

Session organiser: Mr. Igor Kuzma – Statistics Slovenia (Igor.Kuzma@gov.si)

30 min incl. conclusions and discussion Introduction to the session topic   Igor Kuzma (Statistics Slovenia)
30 min incl. discussion Collecting grid based data; Census 2000 vs 2011; Estonian experience and plans

Diana Makarenko-Piirsalu (Statistics Estonia)

30 min incl. discussion Litter Geographies

Stefan Svanström (Statistics Sweden)

30 min incl. discussion Green areas in and around urban areas Presentation of a pilot study using satellite images and building registers

  Marianne Eriksson (Statistics Sweden)

30 min incl. discussion Spatial presentation and analyses of police evidences

Tomislav Iskra (Ministry of Interior, General Police Directory)

30 min incl. discussion Grid based GIS  for automatic designation of Enumeration Areas for census 2011 in Latvia – start of development

Karlis Zeila, Statistics Latvia

30 min incl. discussion Development of distance statistics for the Netherlands, results using Euclidean and network distances

Drs. Niek van Leeuwen (Statistics Netherlands)

10 min Presentation of a poster: The Creative Class of Denmark –

where do we find them?

Michael Rasmussen (Statistics Denmark)


General discussion on the session topic

Paper The Use of Personal Income Tax Data Aggregated at Grid Level in the Dwelling Price Index Calculation of Slovenia

Appendix: Maps

Branko Pavlin, PhD (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia)

Workshop dinner 18 00 –

18.00 / 19.00 Get-together (possibly dinner somewhere in Bled)


Day 3 Friday 3 October

Morning Session 9.00 – 12.30 (10.30 – 10.45 Coffee break)

Session 4:Contents according to real user needs (The Subproject 1: User needs)

The session according to user needs is organised according to the idea that there are two principal users of geostatistics. For some, the principal driving force behind the demand for spatial statistics comes from “the market”, consisting of a very large cluster of (relatively small) data users, mainly in the private sector. For others, the main user category is the relatively small cluster of large public authority agencies that use spatial data as a foundation for policies, programs, plans and projects for instance for sustainable development. This session will try to approach efforts to define the data needs of these two groups.

Session organiser: Mr. Lars Backer – Statistics Sweden (lars.backer@scb.se)(interim leading partner)

30 min incl. conclusions and discussion Introduction to the session topic

To describe user needs for spatial information

Lars H. Backer (Statistics Sweden)

30 min incl. discussion User needs from a public authority perspective Mr. Erik Sommer (Market)
30 min incl. discussion User needs from a public authority perspective Mr. Lars Backer, (Public authority needs)

General discussion on the session topic

Closing down

45 min incl. conclusions and discussion Panel discussion with the session leaders


15 min incl. discussion Invitation to the next meeting?
15 min incl. discussion Closing down