Table Joining Service (TJS)

Statistics Netherlands has recently performed a proof of concept for a Table Joining Service (TJS) together with the Dutch Kadaster, Geonovum and the Dutch hosting organisation for INSPIRE services PDOK. This was done with the help of a Eurostat Grant. It resulted in...Read article
INSPIRE Conference 2016

INSPIRE Conference 2016

This year’s annual INSPIRE Conference took place in Barcelona on September 26th-30th. Janusz Dygaszewicz – President of the European Forum for Geography and Statistics had the opportunity to present the forum on a plenary session “INSPIRE by thematic...Read article
The Sixth Session of the UN-GGIM

The Sixth Session of the UN-GGIM

The Sixth Session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) was held from 1-5 August 2016 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Preceeded by a number of related side events from 1-2 August 2016, the...Read article
Lars H. Backer Prize 2016

Lars H. Backer Prize 2016

The Lars H. Backer prize in memoriam of Lars H. Backer will be awarded for major contributions to the development of a geospatial foundation for official statistics or for significantly improving the relevance of geospatial statistics for evidenced-based decision...Read article

On 25-26 April the 3rd meeting of the United Nations Expert Group on the Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information (UN EG-ISGI) was held at OECD premises in Paris, France. The meeting aimed to: review the outcomes of the members’ consultation on the...Read article