We are glad to announce the preliminary programme of EFGS 2021


CESTDay 1, 7th September
9:00 – 9:35Webinar Opening & Welcome speeches
Dr. Georg Thiel, President of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany
Prof. Dr. Paul Becker, President of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Viveka Palm, Director for the Department of Sectoral and Regional Statistics at Eurostat
Dr. Janusz Dygaszewicz, President of the European Forum for Geography and Statistics
9:35 – 10:55Keynotes
Moderation: Marie Haldorson, Statistics Sweden
Robert Szucs, Grasshopper Geography
Stefan Jensen, European Environment Agency
Kira Schacht, Deutsche Welle
10:55 – 11:15Virtual Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:10Session 1 - The Frame
Moderation: Oliver Müller, Eurostat
Geocoding and the Spatial Analysis of Population and Housing Census Data in Africa
Ayenika Godheart, Andre Nonguierma, William Muhwava - United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Mapping for a Sustainable World – A UN-ICA Collaboration
Prof. Dr. Menno-Jan Kraak - International Cartographic Association
The Progress and Future of the Global Statistical Geospatial Framework
Alex Mudabeti - National Statistics Agency Namibia, Co-Chair of the UN EG ISG
UN-GGIM: Europe – keeping up with a changing landscape
Carol Agius, James Norris, Cátia Nunes - EuroGeographics, UN-GGIM: Europe Secretariat, Ordnance Survey, Statistics
Geospatial View of Generic Statistical Business Process Model
InKyung Choi - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UNGGIM: Europe Working Group on Data Integration – findings, challenges and obstacles
Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
12:10 – 13:00Lunch Break
13:00 – 14:15Session 2 - The Frame
Moderation: Ingrid Vanden Berghe, National Geographic Institute Belgium
13:05Australian Bureau of Statistics and Geoscience Australia - Successful Collaboration on Location and Geospatial Information
Simon Costello, Martin Brady - Geoscience Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics
13:15From one-to-one NMCA-NSO collaboration to cross-governmental network for promoting integration of statistical and geospatial information – First-light experiences in Finland
Panu Muhli, Rina Tammisto - National Land Survey of Finland, Statistics Finland
13:25GIS and the SDGs
Linda Peters - Esri
13:35gvSIG Online as a Spatial Data Infrastructure in local administration
Mario Carrera - gvSIG Association
13:45Geospatial ethics for statistics
Alistair Calder - ONS Office for National Statistics, UK
14:15 – 14:45Virtual Coffee Break
14:45 – 16:15Session 3 - Presentation Lounge
Non profit agriculture in rural areas in Italy: a geospatial knowledge infrastructure based on data integration
Roberto Gismondi - Italian National Institute of Statistics
IRENE: a next-generation crop yield forecasting system for Italian agriculture
Sofia Bajocco - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment
A Digital Twin precursor for drought impact monitoring: an Earth Observation based spatio-temporal data-cube
Eva Ivits, Grega Milcinski, Maxim Lamare, Roel Van Hoolst, Bruno Smets, Lars Eklundh - European Environment Agency, Sinergise, Sentinel Hub, VITO, VITO, Lund University"
Digital Twin Germany – A feasibility study
Patrick Knöfel - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
The address component of the Statistical Base Register of Territorial Entities
Davide Fardelli - Italian National Institute of Statistics
Characterization of the Andalusian population using Python and QGIS
Luís Ángel Moya, Mº Encarnación Madrid, Francisco Javier Rodrigues, Miguel Sanz - Andalusian Healthcare Regional Department
From the EAGLE concept to national LC and LU data
Stephan Arnold, Dr. Christian Lucas - Federal Statistical Office of Germany, LVermGeo Schleswig-Holstein
Facing uncertainty in geospatial data through statistical and geospatial data integration
Rossano Figueiredo, Rui Pedro Julião - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Digital Atlases
Karsten Schmidt - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Methods and perspectives of geospatial statistical data integration – observations from the taskgroup UN-GGIM: Europe
Nathalie Delattre, Markus Jobst - National Geographic Institute, Subgroup Leader UN-GGIM: Europe WG on Data Integration, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying
UN-GGIM: Europe – showcasing the added-value of geospatial and statistical data integration to compute SDG indicators
Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Francisco Vala, Cátia Nunes, Eva Ivits, Fabio Volpe, Jerker Moström - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Statistics Portugal, Statistics Portugal, European Environment Agency, e-GEOS, Statistics Sweden
Service geoportal.gov.pl as an example of unlocking value from data
Ewa Surma, Waldemar Izdebski - Main Office of Geodesy and Cartography (PL)
Geoportal.de 2.0
Benjamin Richter - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
Cadastral information. Geocoding of real estate in Andalusia
Joaquín Valverde-Martínez, Serafín Ojeda-Casares, Ana Ramírez-Torres - IECA, Indexa Geodata
CESTDay 2, 8th September
9:00 – 11:55Session 4 - The Key
Moderation: Lea Bodossian, EuroGeographics
9:05GEOSTAT 4: The GSGF in Europe
Rina Tammisto, Mervi Haakana - Statistics Finland
9:15GEOSTAT 4 - The role of quality for geospatial statistics
Thomas Burg - Statistics Austria
9:25Grid-based analysis in regional and urban policy: a state of play
Hugo Poelman - European Commission - DG Regional and Urban Policy
9:35Linked Open Data - enrich existing open datasets with thematic content in a very easy fashion
Dr. Falk Würriehausen - Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
9:45Integrating Spatial and Statistical Data in the Web Environment
Pekka Latvala - National Land Survey of Finland
10:15 – 10:45Virtual Coffee Break
10:45New Methods for Statistical Disclosure Control with High Resolution Spatial Information
Jan Weymeirsch - Trier University
10:55Heading towards spatial knowledge infrastructures – the role of the fundamental data theme ’Addresses’ for data integration
Ingrid Kaminger, Markus Jobst - Statistics Austria, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying
11:05Revealing Future Geospatial API’s – case GeoE3
Jari Reini - National Land Survey of Finland
11:15Customer expectations and innovation in the field of geospatial reference data: A case study on market transparency
Peter Creuzer, Dr. Marcel Ziems - Landesamt für Geoinformation und Landesvermessung Niedersachsen (LGLN)
11:25Harmonised Labour Market Area Definitions: potential for multi-national local analysis
Mike Coombes - CURDS (Centre for Urban & Regional Development Studies), Newcastle University
11:55 – 13:00Lunch Break
13:00 – 15:25Session 5 A - The Unlocked Value (Parallel Session)
The Value of Data Integration and What’s Missing
Moderation: Timothy Trainor, International Cartographic Association
13:10Contribution of the NIVA project in unlocking value from IACS data
Dominique Laurent - Institut national de l’information géographique et forestière
13:20Unlocking the value of authoritative geospatial information through a unique approach to interoperable pan-European datasets
Angela Baker, Rhian French - EuroGeographics Head Office
13:30Development of a database for geospatial accessibility data on grid cell level
Axel Ramstein - Federal Statistical Office of Germany
13:40Calculating commuting distances: challenges of a mandate and method transfer
Elfie Swerts, Michael Bühler - Office Fédéral de la Statistique
14:05 – 14:35Virtual Coffee Break
14:35Analysing changing mobility patterns during the pandemic using mobile network data
Younes Saidani, Hans Dietrich - Federal Statistical Office of Germany, Esri Germany
14:45Mobility monitoring during the Covid-19 crisis in Estonia
Erki Saluveer - Positium
14:55Calculating access to private outside space during a global pandemic
Jordan Parker, Iain Goodwin, Max Engledew - Office for National Statistics, Ordnance Survey, Office for National Statistics
15:05 – 15:25Discussion and change of rooms
13:00 – 15:25Session 5 A - The Unlocked Value (Parallel Session)
Martin Brady, Australian Bureau of Statistics
13:10ONS Geospatial Covid-19 response work
Chris Gale, Rob Kaleta, Heather Porter, Musa Chirikeni, Jordan Parker, Alistair Calder - ONS Office for National Statistics, UK
13:20Covid impacts on Census-taking and time-space population modelling
David Martin, Samantha Cockings, Andrew Harfoot - Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton
13:30The JRC-GEOSTAT 2018: a novel small-area population estimation for Europe
Filipe Batista e Silva, Hugo Poelman, Lewis Dijkstra - JRC; European Commission, DG Regio
13:40Digitisation and Integration of Historical Census Statistics for England and Wales
Justin Hayes, Apostolos Antonacopoulos, Christian Clausner - Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Research Lab (PRImA), the University of Salford
14:05 – 14:35Virtual Coffee Break
14:35New and improved tools for spatial statistics
Mirosław Migacz, Klaudia Peszat - Statistics Poland
14:45Sustainability assessment of settlement development with multi-dimensional spatial data: Experiences of spatial data harmonization for the IÖR-Monitor
Tobias Krüger, Sujit Kumar Sikder, Gotthard Meinel - Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development
14:55Integration of statistical and geospatial information in Egypt
Eng. Eman, Ahmed Oriby - Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Egypt
15:05 – 15:25Discussion and change of rooms
15:35 – 15:40Closing Session


The EFGS 2021 programme is also available to download in pdf.