On 23 March 2021 Eurostat organized GISCO Working Group Meeting: Integration of statistical and geospatial information – the meeting with National Mapping Authorities and National Statistical Institutes. In the virtual event participated almost 100 representatives from NSIs and NMCAs, some of which are also members of the EFGS community.

During the meeting, the GEOSTAT 4 project coordinator Rina Tammisto from Statistics Finland presented the status of works within the project which aim is to foster the integration of statistics and geospatial information in a European context.

The objective of the GEOSTAT 4 project is also to ensure the continuation of the networking and information sharing activities of the previous GEOSTAT projects and of the EFGS, with the goal to maintain and enhance the community of experts on geospatial statistics in Europe. Besides Igor Kuzma from Statistics Slovenia showed one of the current tasks – the EFGS Strategy Map which is a proposal on future activities (also based on the GEOSTAT project series) and organization of the EFGS community. The Strategy Map was sent by Eurostat to participants of GISCO 2021 meeting for further consultation.

The presentation concerning the status of the GEOSTAT 4 project and the EFGS Stategu Map is available here.