On 23 and 24 March 2021 Eurostat organized two virtual meetings:

GISCO Working Group Meeting: Integration of statistical and geospatial information – the meeting with National Mapping Authorities and National Statistical Institutes


Joint UN-GGIM: Europe – ESS –  UNECE meeting on the integration of statistical and geospatial information.

In the virtual meeting participated almost 100 representatives from National Mapping Authorities and National Statistical Institutes some of which are also members of the European Forum for Geography and Statistics community.

During the event, the President of EFGS Janusz Dygaszewicz PhD, Statistics Poland presented the activity of the organization: the achievements, challenges, work programme as well as planned changes in the management of EFGS. Besides, the President presented the report from the EFGS 2020 conference (organized as a webinar) and announced that the next EFGS 2021 conference will be organized by Germany also as a virtual event on 7-8 September 2021.

The agenda and materials from the meetings are available on CIRCABC.