The European Workshop on Urban Climate Indicators tackles the design of relevant and computable urban climate indicators to study and adapt to climate change, specifically indicators that can be scaled in space and in time throughout Europe thanks to a better access to and better sharing of data.

Targeted audience is scientists and experts who specify, prototype or produce indicators relevant to urban climate study, scientists and experts who advance the field of information infrastructure to support this application.

Modelling urban climate phenomena and their impacts requires data about the topography, buildings characteristics, vegetation, and also data aboutthe socio-economic context. It also requires expertise in the different computation domains, statistics, remote sensing, spatial analysis, machine learning and in the urban and climate domains to design relevant indicators.

Scalability in space and time refers to the capacity to use these indicators beyond an initial spatiotemporal scope, for example to compare values with another time period or with another city. It also refers to the change of level of detail for instance to contribute to european regulations based on facts and learnings that make sense at more local scales.

In terms of data, the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment provides more resolute simulations and the Public Sector Information Reuse directive will lead to more and higher resolution geographical, meteorological and statistical data to be open in Europe. These are opportunities for urban climate indicators design. Yet, designing scalable urban climate indicators is hindered by multiple heterogeneities to consider, either heterogeneities between territories that have different topographies or different cultures, or heterogeneities in the technologies (remote sensing data, structured databases with different classifications) and also variations in rules affecting access, transparency and charging. This is altogether a typical application of heterogeneous information brokering on spatial data infrastructures.

The workshop will include paper sessions and a challenge track.

Contributions are welcome about:

  • specific indicators design to study climate change and adapt to it,
  • more generally applications illustrating the benefits of better exploiting such information,
  • technical challenges to find and combine different data sources, indicate quality and suitability of results and store results in an accessible way, and indicate quality / suitability
  • institutional and economic prerequisites and barriers regarding GIS information access, sharing, merging, quality management
  • various facilitation roles that different agencies could play to further access and sharing of such GIS, as well as quality assurance.

You are warmly invited by the organisation committee to submit a short paper (5-6 pages) describing your contribution before January 15th, on

Selected papers will be published in the workshop proceedings (ceur).

EWUCI 2021 will be held on May 17, 2021, in Paris, France, or on-line if necessary.

More info:


The organization committee:

Bénédicte Bucher (IGN France, EuroSDR, )

Vincent Loonis (INSEE France, )

Valéry Masson (Météo France, rin)

Rina Tammisto (Statistics Finland, )