We would like to announce preliminary agenda of EFGS 2020 Webinar.

Day 1, 20th October
12.00 – 12.40Webinar Opening & Welcome speeches
12:40- 13:35Session 1
Keynote Speaker -
Principle 1 - speaker 1
Principle 1 - speaker 2
Speaker 3 - Proof-of-concept service for geospatial and statistical data integration
13:50 - 14:00Break
14:00 - 15:50Session 2
Keynote Speaker
Principle 2 - speaker 4
Principle 2 - speaker 5
Principle 3 - speaker 6
Principle 3 - speaker 7
Summing up and discussion
Day 2, 21th October
12:00 - 13:50Session 3
Keynote Speaker
Principle 4 - speaker 8
Principle 4 - speaker 9
Principle 5 - speaker 10
Principle 5 - speaker 11
Summing up and discussion
13:50 - 14:00Break
14.00 – 15.40Session 4
GEOSTAT4 status
International initiatives
Summing up and closing
EFGS General Assembly


More details will be available soon.