During Seventh session of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM), which was held in UN Headquarters, New York, 2-4 August 2017 the President of EFGS, Janusz Dygaszewicz presented an official statement on item 10 of the session: Integration of geospatial, statistical and other related information concerning European Forum for Geography and Statistics:


  1. The EFGS is a voluntary body which allows for the exchange of ideas among a network of experts, mainly GIS specialists but also statisticians, researchers working in National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) and experts from National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs), to provide spatial statistics for Europe. Also countries outside Europe are active in EFGS and therefore EFGS is aiming to establish a global forum and good cooperation with UN-GGIM on regional and global level.
  2. The main goal of EFGS is to promote the integration of statistical and geospatial information and the use of GIS in public sector. In 2015 EFGS received the status of the official Observer Organization to UN-GGIM: Europe
  3. The annual EFGS conferences are one of the main events for raising awareness among the statistical and geospatial community. In recent years the conference has attracted an expanding attendance, with the 2016 Paris conference hosting participants from over 40 countries across all continents.
  4. The President of EFGS invited interested MSs to participate in the 10th Annual European Forum for Geography & Statistics Conference.
  5. The conference will be hosted by the Central Statistics Office of Ireland and Ordnance Survey Ireland and will take place at Dublin, Ireland from second to third November 2017.
  6. This conference is the best example of practical cooperation between statistical and geospatial community.