The EFGS 2017 Conference will be organised under three main themes which reflect the main challenges and opportunities for combining statistical and geospatial information. These are:
- The UN Agenda incorporating the UN-GGIM and the Sustainable Development Goals initiatives
- Collaboration between the statistical and mapping agencies
- Best practice examples of integrating geography with official statistics
The EFGS Committee welcomes papers on any topic covering these particular themes, examples of which include (but are not limited to):
- Linked Open data
- Visualisation of statistical outputs
- Census 2020 geography
- Big data and Environmental geostatistics
- Smart City/Urban Mapping
In addition to presentations relating to the above topics there will be keynote speakers as well as panel discussions.
Submission Information and guidelines
As the official language of the conference is English, all abstracts should be written in English.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday 15th September 2017. Submit your Abstract through the link below.
Please send us your paper or presentation before Friday October 6th 2017 under the following naming convention.
EFGS2017_LastNameOfAuthor(in capitals)_V(number of version of paper)
The page will be updated with a link to upload Papers.