Eurostat, the European Central Bank, the European Statistical Advisory Committee, the Federation of European National Statistical Societies and the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, with the involvement of the Hungarian Statistical Association, are organising the second Conference of European Statistics Stakeholders in Budapest (CESS 2016) on 20 and 21 October 2016.

The overall programme of CESS 2016 the has now been published online at:

The aim of the Conference is to bring together European methodologists, producers, and users of statistics to discuss users needs, to share best practices in the production of official statistics, to present innovative ways of visualising and communicating statistics, and to advance new methodological ideas for collecting and analysing data. As you can see from the online programme, this is achieved through sessions in six tracks on:

  • Users, dissemination, promotion, communication & visualisation of official statistics
  • Statistics on cross border phenomena and globalisation; comparability of statistics
  • Statistical modelling
  • Sharing of statistics and data
  • Multisource statistics
  • Statistics on markets

There is also a session on the timely estimates of  economic indicators as well as as session on indirect questioning for sensitive issues. Further details on each session, as well as the abstracts for the presentations, will be published online in the next few weeks. Participation to the CESS 2016 conference is free of charge, but subject to registration via:

For more information on CESS 2016, please check out the conference website at