On 8 October 2010, first time the whole GEOSTAT project team assembled in a face-to-face meeting. 13 persons from 10 countries contributing to the GEOSTAT 1A project and 3 representatives of EUROSTAT GISCO unit, EFGS Expert Group for Business Models and INSPIRE TWG, held a joint meeting in Tallinn, Estonia.
Further progress of the GEOSTAT 1A project and preliminary content of the forthcoming GEOSTAT 1B project were addressed. The meeting focused on the discussion of GEOSTAT work packages: WP1 – User Needs, WP2 – Geostatistics, WP3 – Infrastructure and WP4 – Dissemination.
This first face-to-face meeting of the whole GEOSTAT team was effective. The notes of the meeting will be published on the EFGS web page soon.